1st grade - Arts - Educational Games

Specific Competencies:
Explore, understand, enjoy, and critically analyze artistic and cultural practices and productions from their social environment, indigenous peoples, traditional Brazilian communities, and various societies, in different times and spaces, to recognize art as a cultural, historical, social, and sensitive phenomenon in different contexts and engage with diversities.
Understand the relationships between the languages of art and their integrated practices, including those enabled by the use of new information and communication technologies, cinema, and audiovisual media, under the particular conditions of production, in the practice of each language, and in their connections.
Research and become acquainted with different aesthetic and cultural matrices—especially those expressed in art and cultures that constitute Brazilian identity—their tradition and contemporary expressions, reworking them in artistic creations.
Experience playfulness, perception, expressiveness, and imagination, redefining spaces within and beyond the school in the context of art.
Utilize technological resources as forms of documentation, research, and artistic creation.
Establish connections between art, media, the market, and consumption, critically understanding and problematizing modes of art production and circulation in society.
Address political, social, economic, scientific, technological, and cultural issues through exercises, productions, interventions, and artistic presentations.
Develop autonomy, critical thinking, authorship, and collective and collaborative work in the arts.
Analyze and value national and international artistic heritage, both material and immaterial, with their histories and different worldviews.