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Hello! Do you like to draw and paint? When you use paint to express yourself, everything around you becomes more colorful and fun. Using inks in the drawings makes them look very beautiful and cheerful. Ink is life!
This is a really cool game and you will distribute the paints to a compartment that looks like a tank. Keep clicking on the yellow figures to open paths and the paints will flow until they reach their destination. You cannot let part of the ink go to another space. If that happens, you lose and dont change levels. It is very fun! Youll have to drive all the paints to finish the level and move on to another. There are several stages and the difficulties gradually increase. Did you know that ink activities allow you to discover a world full of colors, lines, shapes and feelings? Painting also stimulates communication, sensitivity and increases the capacity for concentration and expression. Have more! The activity with gouache paint helps you improve your motor coordination and is a way to exercise knowledge about colors, in addition to developing a taste for painting. How about painting the seven and having fun?! Lets go play!