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Hop Hop Bunny
Come with me to learn Math with the cutest bunny! Meet Speedy, the main character of the game, who is starving and needs to get to the carrots by hopping! Help Speedy by counting how many jumps it needs to snack. Remember to avoid the obstacles. It is time to count and hop! 🐰🥕 🐰🥕

Teacher's tips
Level of Education Elementary School
Subjects Mathematics
Age 06 to 09 years old
Daily in the classroom, it is necessary to motivate the kids to be interested in mathematics, teaching them the theory and considering that they need to be taken into an imaginative and playful context. Learning in a fun way is much better.
Teachers must develop strategies so students learn the content with fun and motivating activities. Educational games are an essential tool so kids can expand their knowledge and work with the content discussed during the classes. The applicability of the contents implicit in the games is necessary to reinforce their understanding. The game "HOP HOP BUNNY" motivates the kid to assimilate addition and subtraction since it asks the kid to do the math to get to destiny. This game is excellent for logical and mathematical thinking, increasing cognitive skills.
When a kid plays this game, they will define the probabilities to get to the target, stimulating their attention and curiosity and promoting the reinforcement of the mathematics content. Mathematics classes can't only be in the classroom, limited to the whiteboard and the exercises on a book. It is possible to use platforms that help in the learning process. It is interesting to use different activities and personalize
them according to the students or groups with similar characteristics. Overcoming obstacles gives students a great sensation, which makes the class challenging. It is essential to highlight that schools need to be aware of new technologies and methods.