Escola Games | Jogos Educativos
Teacher's support sheet

Hop Hop Bunny
Come with me to learn Math with the cutest bunny! Meet Speedy, the main character of the game, who is starving and needs to get to the carrots by hopping! Help Speedy by counting how many jumps it needs to snack. Remember to avoid the obstacles. It is time to count and hop! 🐰🥕 🐰🥕

Teacher's tips
Level of Education Elementary School
Subjects Mathematics
Age 06 to 09 years old
Daily in the classroom, it is necessary to motivate the kids to be interested in mathematics, teaching them the theory and considering that they need to be taken into an imaginative and playful context. Learning in a fun way is much better.
Teachers must develop strategies so students learn the content with fun and motivating activities. Educational games are an essential tool so kids can expand their knowledge and work with the content discussed during the classes. The applicability of the contents implicit in the games is necessary to reinforce their understanding. The game "HOP HOP BUNNY" motivates the kid to assimilate addition and subtraction since it asks the kid to do the math to get to destiny. This game is excellent for logical and mathematical thinking, increasing cognitive skills.
When a kid plays this game, they will define the probabilities to get to the target, stimulating their attention and curiosity and promoting the reinforcement of the mathematics content. Mathematics classes can't only be in the classroom, limited to the whiteboard and the exercises on a book. It is possible to use platforms that help in the learning process. It is interesting to use different activities and personalize
them according to the students or groups with similar characteristics. Overcoming obstacles gives students a great sensation, which makes the class challenging. It is essential to highlight that schools need to be aware of new technologies and methods. [FIM-DICA]
Learner outcomes
To calculate the path of the bunny to get to its target (carrot);
To overcome the obstacles to conquer the target;
To select the best way to get to the goal;
To use the arrows to go through the path and get to the target;
To learn the notion of left and right;
To exercise motor coordination;
To increase abilities and competencies in mathematical and logical contexts;
To have fun while learning the content;
To relate the number of probabilities between the best, the possible, and the impossible paths;
To allow the students to express themselves as dialogic subjects and to build their identity by being curious, making hypotheses, exercising their creativity in the classroom through many experiences provided by diverse strategies, and widening their knowledge.
To experience at-school and at-home interactive activities and likewise use games to help their evolution in the learning process and as social individuals.
Teachers' goals
To stimulate the class in a playful context that favors the teaching-learning process;
To perceive the difficulties related to calculations during a dynamic class;
To emphasize to students that we always have to deal with probabilities in our day-to-day life;
To enable an easier way of learning numbers and math operations;
To use dynamics and different strategies to help students build knowledge;
To encourage students to interact among themselves using educational games that are also fun;
To recognize the abilities and competencies of each student, which will favor mathematical and logical thinking and their curiosity, applying methods and strategies that will come upon the reality of the students or the target audience;
To mediate and monitor the group of practices and interactions in the classroom environment, assuring the development of the students.
Suggestions of approaches for the teacher
It is common to find students that don't like the math class, which is why different approaches are necessary for the teacher to guarantee the students understand the content they are studying. It is interesting to start the lesson by motivating the kids to play the game, talking about the bunny. Try telling them the bunnies are mammals and give them other interesting facts. Ask if one of the students has already seen a bunny or if they have some experience to share.
Encounter a way that best fits the group so you can get their attention to this animal.
After that, the teacher can emphasize that the carrot is a healthy vegetable. Then, tell students they are about to play a game involving bunnies and carrots. It is also interesting to give something to the kids after the game, like some candies or chocolate. Make sure that they understand that all of them will get candy, but they still need to make an effort to do the math and think about the possibilities. You can encourage students who finish the game first to help those who are struggling with it.
This is a good way to reinforce that empathy and solidarity are essential. As homework, the Math teacher can suggest that the kids show their parents the game and teach them how to play it. There are numerous ways to work with this game throughout the teaching-learning process. You need to be creative! It is a fact that to innovate education, teachers need to approach mathematics as a process.
More about the content
English and Science teachers can also use this game and develop an interdisciplinary project. In English classes, students can make comic simulations of the game. In Science classes, the teacher can talk to the students about the benefits of carrots and encourage them to search for the form of living of rabbits and bunnies.
Also, they can research the habitats these animals live in, their characteristics, and the extant species.