Escola Games | Jogos Educativos
Teacher's support sheet

Multiplication Table Master
Learning the four operations with the Math Master will be awesome!
Come and practice your abilities in this fun game! Select the numbers and the operations you want to train and fly with the owl, diverting from enemies and solving the equations. Shall we start?

Teacher's tips
Level of education: Elementary School
Subject: Math
Age: 06 to 10 years
There are countless situations in everyday life that require quick calculations. The memorization of the tables is one of the methods that allows the resolution of the four operations. However, this memorization is often carried out at school through oral and written repetitions in the notebook. This method often makes children sad and discouraged. Before presenting the multiplication tables to children with the intention of memorizing them, it is necessary to work on their construction process, so that they can understand the meaning of what they are talking about. The notion of number, calculations, fundamental facts and the numbering system need to be constructed and understood. Only after that, the students should, little by little, memorize the calculations. This game promotes the training and resolution of the four operations in a playful and meaningful way. [FIM-DICA]
Learner outcomes
Memorize the table;
Exercise mental calculation;
Develop attitudes of interaction, collaboration and exchange of experiences in groups;
Solve mathematical problems involving the four operations;
Recognize regularities in numeric sequences by analyzing the results of operations;
Develop logical reasoning by establishing comparisons between operations;
Be able to understand that division is the inverse operation of multiplication;
Establish a relationship between multiplication and addition operations;
Fix knowledge acquired in the classroom;
Teachers' goals
Offer situations in which students can analyze, interpret and propose the four basic operations;
Stimulate the taste for Mathematics, through playful and pleasurable activities;
Reinforce content worked in the classroom;
Stimulate the exchange of knowledge, socialization and interaction among students;
Stimulate the student to study the multiplication table and use calculation in the classroom;
Work on questions of our day-to-day life to awaken in the student the search for answers;
Awaken students to understanding content through games;
Carry out recreational and differentiated activities;
Suggestions of approaches for the teacher
Inside a box or bag put chips with the operations that will be drawn. Children must mark the result on the card. For example: If you say the operations 2 x 9, 9 x 2, 3 x 6 or 6 x 3, those with the number 18 must place the bean in the square with that number. Whoever fills the entire card first wins bingo. Correct the card to avoid errors and, if you consider it interesting, reward the winners.
(Suggestion 2) SECRET MESSAGE
Print multiple cards. You must print in two blocks. The first block with the signs of the operations (addition, subtraction, division, multiplication and equal). The second block must contain numbers from 0 to 9. Then, distribute several cards to the groups and ask them to assemble their operations, but without the result. Each group must try to resolve the operations of the opposing group. To solve the operations, the groups will be able to use their own pencil, in order not to run the risk of missing numbers. The printed cards are just to form the operations. Another option is to leave the cards face down where students will choose without seeing the numbers. This last option can be done within the group itself, without the circulation of students.
(Suggestion 3) POP BALLOONS
Provide colorful balloons. Inside each balloon, place a paper written with the desired operation. Organize students into groups. Ask a representative from each group to choose their balloon and pop it. The student who popped it together with the group should say which operation was found in the balloon and its respective result. The team that answers the most correct operations wins the game.
(Suggestion 4) FISHING
Fill an inflatable pool or basin with water, put some fish or ducklings with written operations inside. Use clear tape to cover the operation so you don't run the risk of ink coming out of the pen. Improvise wand with dry twigs. Ask the student to fish the object and answer the operation.
If you can't get these objects from fishing, you can improvise by making EVA ducks and fish. Draw waves on the board and paste the EVA designs with hidden operations. Ask students to choose where to start and develop the activity in the same way.
(Suggestion 5) ROLLING DICE
Produce two dice or bring them ready-made for the classroom. Roll the dice and with the numbers that come out write an operation on the board. You can, for example, say that you are going to start with addition operations, so the numbers that come out will be added together. Then you can move on to the following operations. The answers can be written in the notebook and checked later, as is done in a traditional dictation.
More about the content
The teaching of Mathematics is often reduced to the systematic transmission of formulas to perform operations, with rigid rules to obtain fixed results. This causes a lack of interest on the part of many students, which has hindered the development of educators' functions. This lack of interest is often the result of teaching methodologies that no longer create an interesting, creative and motivating scenario. We live in an era where technology has developed rapidly, but the act of teaching is almost always distant from technological innovations. In this scenario, it is necessary for educators to seek to create challenging and creative situations, so that students feel interested and connected with what is being proposed.
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